Zach Shelby
2013-03-28 06:52:29 UTC
ETSI, the IPSO Alliance and IPv6 Forum have now announced the first 6LoWPAN Plugtest to be held this summer in conjunction with the IETF in Berlin on July 27th and 28th. This Plugtest continues the successful series of open industry Internet of Things Plugtests, previously two CoAP Plugtests have been held.
We encourage anyone involved with 6LoWPAN stacks, or using 6LoWPAN in products, to participate in this event. The event is free, and completely open to both industry and academia, there is no requirement to be an IPSO or ETSI member. Please pass the word around!
The event focuses on testing of 6LoWPAN Header Compression (RFC6282) and 6LoWPAN Neighbour Discovery (RFC6775) in a Host - Border Router configuration. The IPSO Alliance is specifying 802.15.4-2006 and 802.15.4g 868MHz interop configurations for the event. Other PHY/MAC combinations (e.g. PLC, Z-Wave, BT-LE, DECT ULP etc.) can also be tested by bringing the needed adaptation equipment.
We encourage anyone involved with 6LoWPAN stacks, or using 6LoWPAN in products, to participate in this event. The event is free, and completely open to both industry and academia, there is no requirement to be an IPSO or ETSI member. Please pass the word around!
The event focuses on testing of 6LoWPAN Header Compression (RFC6282) and 6LoWPAN Neighbour Discovery (RFC6775) in a Host - Border Router configuration. The IPSO Alliance is specifying 802.15.4-2006 and 802.15.4g 868MHz interop configurations for the event. Other PHY/MAC combinations (e.g. PLC, Z-Wave, BT-LE, DECT ULP etc.) can also be tested by bringing the needed adaptation equipment.
Zach Shelby, Chief Nerd, Sensinode Ltd. @SensinodeIoT
Mobile: +358 40 7796297
Twitter: @zach_shelby
6LoWPAN Book:
Zach Shelby, Chief Nerd, Sensinode Ltd. @SensinodeIoT
Mobile: +358 40 7796297
Twitter: @zach_shelby
6LoWPAN Book: