Carsten Bormann
2013-07-04 19:50:15 UTC
Here is my usual eclectic condensed agenda. All times are CEST (UTC+0200).
Note that there is no ROLL meeting in Berlin (and, as usual, no 6lowpan meeting, but indeed a 6lo BOF).
Note that the times can still change in the course of conflict resolution.
The CoRE/saag conflict is unfortunate, but because of the overful agenda there is little chance in fixing it.
We probably should do all security-related CoRE work on Monday.
Let me also take the opportunity to point to the colocated ETSI 6lowpan plugtest on July 27/28.
You can still register (and thanks to EC support, there is no charge)!
Grüße, Carsten
MONDAY, July 29, 2013
0900-1130 Morning Session I
Charl_burg 2/3 APP appsawg Applications Area Working Group WG - Combined with APPAREA
Potsdam 1 INT homenet Home Networking WG
Schoeneberg 1/2 OPS eman Energy Management WG - 0900-1000
Potsdam 2 TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Potsdam 3 APP *** core Constrained RESTful Environments WG
1510-1610 Afternoon Session II
Bellevue INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG
Charl_burg 2/3 TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG
1620-1720 Afternoon Session III
Bellevue INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG
TUESDAY, July 30, 2013
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Potsdam 1 OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG
Potsdam 3 RTG rtgarea Routing Area Open Meeting
Charl_burg 2/3 SEC jose Javascript Object Signing and Encryption WG
1520-1650 Afternoon Session II
Bellevue INT *** 6tsch Deterministic IPv6 over IEEE802.15.4e Timeslotted Channel Hopping BOF
WEDNESDAY, July 31, 2013
0900-1130 Morning Session I
Potsdam 1 OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG
Tiergarten 1/2 SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Potsdam 3 INT *** lwig Light-Weight Implementation Guidance WG
Potsdam 2 SEC httpauth Hypertext Transfer Protocol Authentication WG
1510-1610 Afternoon Session II
Potsdam 2 APP httpbis Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis WG
Potsdam 3 SEC *** dice DTLS In Constrained Environments BOF
1620-1720 Afternoon Session III
Potsdam 2 APP httpbis Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis WG
THURSDAY, August 1, 2013
0900-1020 Morning Session I
Potsdam 2 APP json JavaScript Object Notation WG
Potsdam 3 TSV tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting
1030-1130 Morning Session II
Potsdam 3 TSV tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Bellevue APP *** core Constrained RESTful Environments WG
Potsdam 1 SEC saag Security Area Open Meeting
Charl_burg 2/3 TSV rmcat RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques WG
1700-1830 Afternoon Session III
Bellevue INT *** 6lo IPv6 over networks of resource-constrained nodes BOF
FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
0900-1100 Morning Session I
Bellevue APP httpbis Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis WG
Potsdam 3 INT dnssdext DNS-SD Extensions BOF
Charl_burg 1 SEC tls Transport Layer Security WG
1120-1220 Afternoon Session I
Potsdam 3 INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG
1230-1330 Afternoon Session II
Potsdam 3 INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG
Note that there is no ROLL meeting in Berlin (and, as usual, no 6lowpan meeting, but indeed a 6lo BOF).
Note that the times can still change in the course of conflict resolution.
The CoRE/saag conflict is unfortunate, but because of the overful agenda there is little chance in fixing it.
We probably should do all security-related CoRE work on Monday.
Let me also take the opportunity to point to the colocated ETSI 6lowpan plugtest on July 27/28.
You can still register (and thanks to EC support, there is no charge)!
Grüße, Carsten
MONDAY, July 29, 2013
0900-1130 Morning Session I
Charl_burg 2/3 APP appsawg Applications Area Working Group WG - Combined with APPAREA
Potsdam 1 INT homenet Home Networking WG
Schoeneberg 1/2 OPS eman Energy Management WG - 0900-1000
Potsdam 2 TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Potsdam 3 APP *** core Constrained RESTful Environments WG
1510-1610 Afternoon Session II
Bellevue INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG
Charl_burg 2/3 TSV tsvwg Transport Area Working Group WG
1620-1720 Afternoon Session III
Bellevue INT 6man IPv6 Maintenance WG
TUESDAY, July 30, 2013
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Potsdam 1 OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG
Potsdam 3 RTG rtgarea Routing Area Open Meeting
Charl_burg 2/3 SEC jose Javascript Object Signing and Encryption WG
1520-1650 Afternoon Session II
Bellevue INT *** 6tsch Deterministic IPv6 over IEEE802.15.4e Timeslotted Channel Hopping BOF
WEDNESDAY, July 31, 2013
0900-1130 Morning Session I
Potsdam 1 OPS v6ops IPv6 Operations WG
Tiergarten 1/2 SEC oauth Web Authorization Protocol WG
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Potsdam 3 INT *** lwig Light-Weight Implementation Guidance WG
Potsdam 2 SEC httpauth Hypertext Transfer Protocol Authentication WG
1510-1610 Afternoon Session II
Potsdam 2 APP httpbis Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis WG
Potsdam 3 SEC *** dice DTLS In Constrained Environments BOF
1620-1720 Afternoon Session III
Potsdam 2 APP httpbis Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis WG
THURSDAY, August 1, 2013
0900-1020 Morning Session I
Potsdam 2 APP json JavaScript Object Notation WG
Potsdam 3 TSV tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting
1030-1130 Morning Session II
Potsdam 3 TSV tsvarea Transport Area Open Meeting
1300-1500 Afternoon Session I
Bellevue APP *** core Constrained RESTful Environments WG
Potsdam 1 SEC saag Security Area Open Meeting
Charl_burg 2/3 TSV rmcat RTP Media Congestion Avoidance Techniques WG
1700-1830 Afternoon Session III
Bellevue INT *** 6lo IPv6 over networks of resource-constrained nodes BOF
FRIDAY, August 2, 2013
0900-1100 Morning Session I
Bellevue APP httpbis Hypertext Transfer Protocol Bis WG
Potsdam 3 INT dnssdext DNS-SD Extensions BOF
Charl_burg 1 SEC tls Transport Layer Security WG
1120-1220 Afternoon Session I
Potsdam 3 INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG
1230-1330 Afternoon Session II
Potsdam 3 INT intarea Internet Area Working Group WG