CFP: SenseMine 2013 (co-located with SenSys'13)
SenSys Publicity
2013-09-02 02:00:30 UTC
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Note: Submission deadline fast approaching.

SenseMine 2013
First International Workshop on Sensing and Big Data Mining
in conjunction with SenSys 2013
November 14, 2013
Rome, Italy

Important Dates:
Submission deadline: September 6, 2013, 11:59 PM EDT
Notification of acceptance: October 10, 2013

Technical Program Committee Chairs:

Emiliano Miluzzo, AT&T Labs Research
Deepak S. Turaga, IBM Research

Technical Program Committee (Preliminary):

Deborah Estrin (Cornell)
Andrew Campbell (Dartmouth College)
Yanyong Zhang (Rutgers University)
Marco Conti (CNR Italy)
Immanuel Schweizer (Technische Universitat Darmstadt)
Jing Gao (SUNY Buffalo)
Wei Fan (Huawei)
Tarek Abdelzahar (UIUC)
Charu Aggarwal (IBM Research)

The numbers and modalities of digital information sources being captured
to monitor our traffic, weather, power, personal context, goods,
factories, utilities, ports, health, IT infrastructure, and social
networks, is continuing to grow at an incredible rate. Commercial,
government organizations, and individuals depend on the ability to
automatically mine data from different types of sensor platforms (from
large sensor networks to an individual's smartphone) in order to
monitor, alert, learn from, and in some cases affect and control our

The research involved in developing applications for these classes of
problems lies at the intersection of several diverse disciplines,
including sensing systems, signal processing, machine learning and data
mining, data management, and large-scale distributed systems - for both
online as well as offline analysis. †In this workshop, colocated with
AMC SenSys 2013, we will include state-of-the-art approaches and
technical solutions in the area of extracting knowledge, by mining data
from sensor networks in large-scale settings. The goal of the workshop
is to establish a new research community and a venue for researchers,
practitioners, and academics to present their results in these
disciplines. We expect this workshop to be a long-term, continued venue
for this research community, and to also lead to the setup of
appropriate special issues and journals.

As part of this workshop, we will include both peer-reviewed and invited
papers. All accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings
and the ACM digital library. Original contributions, previously
unpublished, and not currently under review by another journal or
conference, are solicited in relevant areas, including, but not limited

* Mining data from large-scale sensor networks and smartphone sensing
- Distributed, parallel, and scalable mining algorithms
- Multi-modal mining algorithms
- Resource-adaptive (power, network, compute) mining
- Handling sparsely sampled data, noisy, and untrustworthy data
- Mining big data collected from large-scale smartphone sensing
- Supporting visualization and user interaction

* Distributed Processing for Sensor
- Network Data Distributed processing at edge and core of sensor
- Stream processing systems, Hadoop/MapReduce, cloud, cross-platform

* Sensor Systems and Machine-to-Machine architecture Design
- Large-scale sensor networks and Machine-to-Machine architectures
- Smartphone sensing deployments for big data collection

* Novel Applications of Mining Sensor Network Data: Energy, Healthcare,
Security, Transportation, P2P Systems, Enterprise Environments, Social
Networks, Smartphones

Further Details: http://www2.research.att.com/sensemine2013/index.html
